Pictorial Input Chart
The Pictorial Input Chart is a wonderful strategy to use and teach students the schema of the unit. Learn about our key steps used to neurologically imprint (brain tattoo) your class with basic knowledge to get them eager, excited, and incredibly curious to want to know more...even about the driest of topics (puns included).
The key idea is to learn how to think like a scientist. Every domain or specific subject has a way to process and filter information. It's the how do I view the world around me as an expert in this field.
Our Pictorial Input Chart builds this thought process for students to internalize and apply to the wonders around them. It helps students build meaning, insight, and synthesize information and life experiences.
Master Teacher
We use neuromarketing and neurolinguistic techniques along with cognitive psychology to get students to learn it the first time around. We use the motto less is better with direct instruction. If we provide the right amount of information in the right way, students use it to springboard into their own learning with little intervention from me.
Some basic elements:
1. Lead with the visual (real object, materials, experiment, picture, sketch, etc.)
2. Teacher models the pronunciation of a key term (vocabulary word) along with a gesture (preferably ASL).
3. Teacher writes the term.
4. Students say it and do it as facilitated practice (guided practice) with the teacher.
5. Students neighbor pair-share, negotiate for meaning, and apply the term to new contexts. (or a 10/2 in GLAD speak)
My students are riveted by this process and keep their focus during critical instructional moments. They love adding pieces throughout the unit of study. Best part, they get to take it home after we're done.
Please share any artifacts you make using this process with us!
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