Cultivate a Growth Mindset- The Power of "Yet"

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. It's the idea that with effort, learning, and perseverance, we can improve and grow. In contrast, a fixed mindset sees abilities as innate traits – you either have them or you don't.


Promoting a growth mindset is important because it fosters resilience, persistence, and a love for learning. When students understand that their abilities can be developed, they're more likely to embrace challenges, learn from criticism, and put in the effort to achieve their goals.


One easy way to support the development of a growth mindset is by encouraging your students to use the word “yet” when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Imagine a student facing a challenging math problem. Instead of saying, "I can’t solve this problem," encourage them to say, "I can’t solve this problem yet." This simple shift in language can have a profound impact on their mindset and approach to learning.

Be open about your own struggles and the skills or talents that you are still developing.

Show them that learning is a lifelong journey, and it's okay not to have all the answers immediately.

Be GLAD Strategy- I Can Spell!

A Be GLAD strategy to support the use of the word “yet” is by modeling it in an “I Can Spell” chant. If you’re unfamiliar with the “I Can Spell” chant, it’s a low-prep teacher-created poem that supports oral language development, vocabulary, and spelling skills all in one!

Create your own “I Can Spell” poem by choosing spelling words that are related to your current thematic unit. Decide on a more challenging word, or words, to be the word that your students may not be able to spell initially but will learn with effort and practice.


Cultivating the growth mindset in the classroom creates a safe space for students to learn and acquire new information. How do you promote a growth mindset in your own classroom? 

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Multilingual Programs Director

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